Thursday, March 24, 2011

Youth Advisory Group Update

You may have seen our excitable tweets about the new Youth Advisory Group here at EFC. You might even have read the excellent blogs written by our Youth Advisors Ruth and Zalika. Well, the group has been running for a couple of months now so we thought it was time for an update on the great work our young volunteers have done so far.

After an interactive training session (with lots of fruit tea!) the advisors have been using their knowledge and enthusiasm to advise us on our work as well as to create content on the topic of young people’s reproductive health. They’ve commented on a resource we’re developing, acted as ambassadors for EFC at a sexual health event and are now working on their own advocacy film about abortion. The film will bust some common myths about abortion and the group are interviewing their peers and sexual health professionals to present a range of views and experience.

Of course we’ll post the film up on our YouTube page as soon as it’s finished but for now here’s a little teaser with EFC Youth Advisor Ruth debunking the myth that abortion leads to infertility...

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