Friday, March 11, 2011

Why people love EFC

Sometimes at Education For Choice we're too shy to blow our own trumpet. Luckily here are some testimonials from friends and colleagues of Education For Choice who wanted to blow our trumpet for us.

Sexual Health Organisations

"Education for Choice is a unique, brave and reputable organization that has helped to empower young people and improve their health and well-being. Their unwavering focus choice encourages young people to develop important critical thinking skills and helps to improve their knowledge and awareness about safe and legal abortion – an issue that is often overlooked by other educational sources. Education for Choice’s approaches and tools has been extremely useful to IPPF in its work to improve access to abortion-related services and education. Access to safe and legal abortion is still one of the most controversial issues in our work in sexual and reproductive health and rights. The contributions of Education for Choice to de-stigmatize abortion are making a real difference in and outside the UK. We fully support Education for Choice and their work."
Doortje Braeken (Senior Adviser Adolescents/YoungPeople, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF,2011))

"Because it is young people's right to get high quality education about the range of pregnancy choices. Outrageously they don't always get that and EFC campaigns tirelessly to change that. They also combine excellent work with young people with skills and confidence building of professionals that work with them. That is why I support EFC."
Simon Blake (National Director, Brook, 2010)

“I heart Education for Choice because it is always honest and truthful, 'tells it like it is'
about pregnancy choices, and engages respectfully with what young people
Ann Furedi (Chief Executive bpas, 2010)

“I heart EFC because they are the only UK organization whose mission is to ensure that
young people and their educators have access to clear, accurate, evidence-based
information on abortion. Their work is vital.”
Jane Fisher (Director Antenatal Results and Choices, 2010)

“Education for Choice is unique in the UK and possibly even globally in recognising
that young people, and especially young women, need to know about abortion just
as much as they need to know about sexual relationships, contraception and
sexually transmitted infections. Challenging the stigma surrounding the provision of
information on all of these topics, they provide young people with information and
education that supports their autonomy and their ability to take charge of their
health and lives, and training for the teachers and others who are charged with their
education in these matters.”
Marge Berer (Editor, Reproductive Health Matters, 2010)

“The SRE elements of PSHE should include education about choice, and awareness
campaigns on sexual health should address issues of abortion as a choice...the
education programme led by EFC provides an excellent model for this.”
Government’s Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV, 2004.

EFC Patrons

“As well as providing an excellent model of good practice and quality resources,
Education For Choice campaigns tirelessly to end the appalling and deliberate
misinformation of young people that’s going on in schools and counselling centres
around the country. Education For Choice is a small, but extremely effective
organisation doing a vital job. I’m happy to offer them my support.” Polly Toynbee,

“It is essential that young people receive unbiased, evidence based objective
information about contraception and abortion to enable them to make informed
choices at the beginning of their sexual lives. Unfortunately the messages they
receive via the media and music business tend to separate sex from its
consequences so unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease occur
more often than they need to...Education for Choice fulfils an important role in
giving young people the information they need”
Wendy Savage, MBBCh MSc Hon DSc FRCOG

Training commissioners and professionals

“Providing Education For Choice training has changed the way staff in a range of
agencies feel about being able to deal with the issue of has
increased staff confidence and knowledge and improved support for young
people. I would recommend EFC training for anyone working in sexual
health.” Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator, Hull

“It was lovely to have someone be balanced about the issue.” Counsellor, Taunton

“I feel much better equipped to support a young person around options when
pregnant.” Connexions PA, Manchester 

“(It gave students) a sense of responsibility and the realities of teen pregnancy. The
speaker was very thorough and clearly motivated. The students responded very well
and were thinking! I know the workshops were successful, not only because the girls
have told me, but because they are still talking about it in the corridors. Well done
and thank you!” Head of PSHE, Charles Edward Brooke Girl’s School

Young people (students aged 14-19)

“I enjoyed talking about it and actually having the chance to express your opinions”

“I enjoyed the workshop because it provided me with helpful information”

“Something I will change as a result of the workshop is use protection and be more

“I learnt about the choices that have to be made when dealing with pregnancy.
I enjoyed talking about abortion because maybe it will help me or I could tell
someone who doesn’t know about abortion”

“I would really think about it before I have sex because I don’t want to to take the

“I enjoyed learning about the good points of pregnancy”

“I learnt that it is important to think forward before having sex”

“Something I will change as a result of this workshop is…be more serious about it”

“Something I will change as a result of the workshop…is to think about my actions
that might take place and their consequences

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