Thursday, November 25, 2010

With just 4 staff, EFC...

...reaches thousands of young people a year directly and through the professionals it trains, providing them with accurate information on abortion and an opportunity to explore the dilemma of unintended pregnancy

... trains 450 professionals including school nurses and sexual health specialists, teachers, youth workers, housing workers and social workers so that they are equipped to support young people to learn about pregnancy options, and can provide impartial support with pregnancy decision-making

...provides tailored one to one support for teachers, parents and carers via phone or email on how to discuss the issue of abortion with young people

...develops evidence-based resources on abortion for young people and professionals and promotes best practice through a range of resources and through presentations and workshops at conferences and study days

...informs policy makers of young people’s information and support needs and equips young people to become advocates for better quality education and services

...responds to consultations and shares information and best practice with other young people’s and sexual health organisations through participation in coalitions and fora.

To see what our users and supporters think of EFC's work watch this short video

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