Monday, November 1, 2010

So it’s been a couple of weeks since we launched the ‘A Word’ campaign and the support we’ve had so far has been amazing. Over 150 people have signed our statement of support and many more are following us on Twitter and Facebook. Some fantastic people have set the ball rolling by donating generously to our campaign. It’s great to see so many people who, like us, aren’t afraid to talk about the importance of abortion education - aren't afraid to mention that 'A Word'.

We’ve had articles published on feminist online magazine The F Word, US-based reproductive justice Abortion Gang and Independent journalist Joan Smith’s blog Political Blonde. We’ve also been thrilled to have the support of Dr Evan Harris and Graham Linehan . Every opportunity to speak out about The A Word is a chance to increase support and awareness of a campaign which makes sure that young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are firmly on the agenda.

Our education work is unfunded. The title of this campaign is a nod to the difficulties we have in getting funding for projects which mention the word abortion. That’s why we’re reaching out to you. If you believe in our work, and the importance of honest, evidence-based education about pregnancy and abortion then please make a donation. Every £5 is one more young person who's been provided with evidence-based information, or a teacher who has been given support to teach the facts, or some free resources for a student or for a small underfunded youth centre. It's only with your donations ,big or small, that we'll be able to continue doing what we do.

Thanks to all those who’ve already shown their support - we’ll keep you updated on our progress!

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