Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zalika's Blog

You may know that EFC recently set up a Youth Advisory Group to make sure all the work we do remains youth-focused. Over the next few months we'll be asking members of the 'YAG' to produce blogs for us - here's the first one from Zalika on why she joined the group...

Hi my name’s Zalika, I joined EFC to help give young people the facts so they can make choices. My experience with sex education in school was basically a group of people coming in to school showing us a drama sketch or two of different situations that young people could be involved in involving sexual situations and then talking us through the different forms of contraception. Although there was a lot of information on contraception there was none on what would happen if the girl involved fell pregnant, where they could get help from, any information on abortion or adoption and hardly any on sexually transmitted diseases/ infections.

This is why I feel that it is important for groups like EFC to be involved in communities, not only to give young people the facts and to help them understand their choices should they be in any of those situations but also be a group that young people can turn to should they need to be put in the right direction for any other sexual health services. Joining EFC has been a good opportunity to get a clear understanding of abortion and overcome all the negative taboos surrounding this topic.

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