Friday, July 30, 2010

Are you talkin' to me?

This week Scarleteen, the US young people's sexual health information and support website, is asking young people want they want from sex and relationships education (SRE). Check out some of their great ideas: "Only unbiased teachers" "Factual information, please!" It was a great reminder of how young people's voices can sometimes get lost in the hubub about their own SRE.

How can we keep the dialogue up on our side of the pond?
  • If you're a professional, ask young people what they want to know about sex and relationships and how they want to hear it. The Sex Ed Forum even publishes a handy toolkit on involving young people in assessing and planning SRE curricula
  • If you're a young person, speak up! Sure, it's awkward, but most professionals will be happy for the help
  • If you're a parent, do you know what your young person's school is providing in SRE? Feel free to use our abortion education survey to find out

The above poster hangs above my desk at the EFC office, reminding us every day of what young people want and why we do what we do. Thanks to Shine Aloud, Newham's young people's sexual health steering committee, and the Newham Young Parents Group for their awesome work (on this and on so many other things!).

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