Monday, June 21, 2010

EFC Talk About Choice programme wins award

The fpa has announced that Education For Choice (EFC) is joint winner of their prestigious Pamela Sheridan Award for excellence in Sex and Relationships Education. Everyone at EFC is delighted to be the recipient of this award from an organisation that has been dedicated to promoting good quality sex and relationships education, sexual health information and sexual health services for 80 years (Happy Birthday fpa).

Talk About Choice workshops provide young people with stimulating, interactive resources to explore the issue of pregnancy decision-making and abortion. Facilitators encourage students to consider all the decisions that lead to and result from unintended pregnancy and to explore what it would feel like to face this choice. It is a project that is grounded in young people’s rights to access evidence-based information, their need to have a safe space and opportunity to explore their own and others views and values and which recognises that abortion is part of the wider sexual health curriculum and emphasises the importance of pregnancy prevention.

Talk About Choice is the heart of Education For Choice, informing its resource development, its professional training programme, its advocacy work and all the support EFC offer teachers, health promoters and health workers.

The project was delivered and developed by Anne, Lisa, Natalie, Paulo, Kate, Charli, Laura and a host of brilliant volunteers over many years. Recognition should go to all of them for making this project the success that it is. Thanks too for the teachers who recognised that providing good quality information to their students is better for their health than promoting fact-free and polarised debate about this potentially contentious issue and as a result have invited us back year after year.

Most of all, hats off to all the young people who have challenged us, talked to us, asked us questions and helped us to understand what they want and need to know about this topic. Without them none of our work would have been possible. They’ve been the guinea pigs for our new resources, the voice for all the young people who don’t get good education on this topic, and the ultimate arbiters of what is useful and what is not!

We’re also really pleased to be sharing this award with Brook Wirral who have been out there doing excellent education and outreach work for years and always with imagination and a spring in their step - Brook Wirral are part of the national Brook network of centres providing excellent sexual health and contraceptive advice, information and treatment for young people.

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