Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello World!

Welcome to the new Education For Choice blog!  We’re excited to be here and for those of you who don’t know us, nice to meet you.  You’ve arrived at the Education For Choice blog, the best place for up-to-date news and views on young people, abortion, and sexual health from EFC staff.  Whether you’re a professional, a young person, or just interested, we hope this blog will make it easier for us to keep in touch with you and let you know what’s new in our world.  We’re looking forward to updating you on:
-           News:  the most relevant and interesting news about young people, reproductive rights and sexual health in the UK and abroad
-          Policy:  changes to policies relevant to your work or life
-          Practice:  sexual and reproductive health provision in the UK
-          EFC news:  trainings, events, and more
So stick around, and discuss the latest developments with professionals and young people around the country, hear from expert guest bloggers, and hear from EFC staff several times a week.  Alongside the blog, EFC is also launching its very own Twitter account!  Get reminded of new blog entries, ask us questions and hear our answers by following us @EdForChoice.
If you’ve stumbled across this blog and you’re not familiar with the only UK organisation dedicated to ensuring all young people can make and act on their own, informed choices about pregnancy and abortion, visit the Education For Choice website at

To kick things off, sure we're a little late to the blogosphere party, but we did bring a gift.

Here's a slideshow of some facts on abortion that you can share and embed.

We hope you find our blog posts helpful and informative!

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